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he Leopard Ctenopoma, also known as the Spotted Climbing Perch, is part of the Bush Fish group of the family Anabantidae. These "climbing fish" are patient predators often remaining still among plants waiting for food to pass by. The Leopard Ctenopoma is one of the more colorful species of the Ctenopoma genus.

The Leopard Ctenopoma requires a densely planted aquarium with roots and driftwood in which to hide. Somewhat aggressive, this fish should be kept with other fish of similar size.

Ctenopoma acutirostre is a bubble-nest builder. Slightly acidic (pH 6.5-7.0), very soft (dH 2-4), and warm water (79-82°F) is necessary for breeding. The fry should be fed live food such as brine shrimp.

Carnivores, Leopard Ctenopomas will eat live, frozen, and prepared foods such as krill or ocean plankton, as well as floating pellet food.

Leopard Bushfish



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